$app = new StatusPageApp("phore");
$app->theme->frameworks["highlightjs"] = true;
// Define the Routes:
$app->addPage("/", function () use ($hl) {
return ["h1" => "phore/status-page", pt()->view_code($hl->getCode())];
}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Home", "fas fa-home"));
// Define the Tables site
$app->addPage("/tables", function () {
return require __DIR__ . "/inc/tables.php";
}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Tables", "fas fa-table"));
// Define the Cards site
$app->addPage("/basic_table", function () {
return require __DIR__ . "/inc/basic_tables.php";
}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Basic Table", "fas fa-table"));
// Define the Cards site
$app->addPage("/cards", function () {
return require __DIR__ . "/inc/cards.php";
}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Cards", "fas fa-table"));
$app->addPage("/vue-elements", function () {
return require __DIR__ . "/inc/vue-elements.php";
}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Vue Elements", "fas fa-table"));
$app->addPage("/subapp", function() {}, new NaviButtonWithIcon("Sub Application", "fas fa-time"));